As a visionary human,

Your BIG emotions are:

  • Your best news source on the planet— they’re specific, tangible, psychic information about your past, present and future from the truest and purest you— your soul. Listen in to your big emotions to live as the art you came to be in this lifetime, for the good of your family, community and the planet

  • Direct messages from God, Archangels, people you love who have passed away and the souls of people, plants, animals and beings around you— your daily life is full of divine energy and synchronicities when you slow and soften to see them. Your body’s universe (coming through you as your emotions, thoughts and body sensations) is constantly leading you to the people, places and things that make you feel the most like you in this lifetime

  • The information of deep healing for your body, your life, greater humanity and the Earth— wake up everyday excited to go on a scavenger hunt with the universe as your most artistic self breathes through your day, healing humanity

Reset to the
Rhythm of Your Soul

When you meditate into your big emotions, thoughts and and body sensations, your body is the greatest news source on the planet.

Life is quantum play, liquifying the hard lines of simple physicality.

Everyday is a scavenger hunt with the universe, feeling yourself woven in the infinite fabric of beingness.

The world is a rippling glass globe in your hand—

Your effortless genius weaves with others to create a lush Heaven on Earth.

You feel truth in all dimensions—

the tectonic future of the planet,

the timeless lessons of your past lives,

the leaning-in wisdom of trees,

the too-full water balloon heart of all people,

the ecstatic cheers of your ancestors,

the whisper of Archangels,

the poetic pulse of your soul.

"We’re all in this together" you smile, at home in silence, knowing you’re the creative champion of all beings.

God sings a symphony through your heart, the whole universe is in on your success.

You’re reborn in warm innocence everyday.

Children, plants and animals feel your purity and lean into you.

Everyday brings a God-given vitality that you never dreamed was so simple.

Your genius is innate, Chakra SpeakTM Psychic Meditation supports your big exhale.

We’ll support you to access your soul, the information of your past, present and future and your natural psychic abilities to pioneer the sustainable future of Earth.

Using Chakra SpeakTM Meditation: Psychic Sensing for Visionary Humans, you’ll experience telepathic communication with the world around you, psychic information about your legacy, artistic play and ecstasy from the tingling pulse of Mother Nature.

Sink back into the richness of the whole being you’ve always been—

Welcome to your masterpiece legacy, a timeless life you and your family can be proud of.


 “My daily meditation and modalities have been life saving.

You are such a great support for me.

I’m so grateful to have you as a friend, coach and mentor.”

-N.K., Multi-Million Dollar Business Owner and Investor



My clients have used Chakra SpeakTM Meditation: Psychic Sensing to:

Choose Investments that
Return 41% in 1 year
Permanently Heal
Chronic Pain
Predict and Avoid
Natural Disasters
Successfully Pivot
Businesses in the Global
Reconnect with Wonder,
Play, Nature and
the Artist Within
Talk with God and
Passed Loved Ones
See Archangels
and Auras
Experience and
Integrate Past Lives
Break Generational
Patterns of Abuse,
Depression and Anxiety


 “I knew I was going to work with you because I have always yearned to live my best, most radiant truth…

I told you, this has been better than any therapy I’ve ever had.

-Lauren K., Visionary Artist